Will party leaders listen to doctors' concerns on MAPs this General Election?

Sign the open letter

As we move closer to polling day, the BMA needs your help to make politicians take the issues affecting doctors seriously during this election campaign, and into the next Government.

One of the priorities in our manifesto is stopping the substitution of doctors with medical associate professions (MAPs). The use of MAPs, including Physician Associates (PAs), must not come at the expense of skilled and expert doctors. Doctors are being replaced on their own rotas by PAs, MAPs are still working without a national scope of practice, and patients are confused by their titles. 

In order to get this issue at the top of party leaders' agendas, we are asking you to add your name to our open letter.

You can read the full text of the open letter here, or read the summary of asks below.

1.    Implementation of a national safe scope of practice for MAPs underpinned by robust evidence and regulation. 

2.    Amending the Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024 so that MAPs are regulated by a more suitable regulator using titles that protect patients from being misled. 

3.    An end to widespread doctor replacement and unemployment. 

4.    An urgent review of the long-term workforce plan to determine how MAPs can be safely utilised to the benefit of patients and healthcare systems, as well as the numbers required, underpinned by evidence.  

5.    A halt to any current plans to provide MAPs with prescribing responsibilities. 

6.    An independent inquiry to determine how widespread doctor substitution has become, and how this scandal has been allowed to develop without sufficient regard for patient safety.

#PatientsNeedDoctors #GeneralElection2024

Add your name

The more people that add their name, the greater our chances are of being heard.

By clicking ‘sign’, you are consenting for your full name, branch of practice and region to be listed on the open letter when it is sent to party leaders. This will not be made public.