Become a SAS pay campaigner

Fair pay for SAS doctors in England

Over the past 15 years, the real terms pay of SAS doctors has been cut by up to 31%. SAS doctors often feel ignored, their contributions dismissed and are treated differently to their colleagues. 

This cannot continue. We need fair pay and to be fully valued. 

The BMA is calling for an above-inflationary pay uplift for this year and steps to address longer term pay erosion, including reforms to the doctors’ pay review body. 

We are building a movement of doctors campaigning to improve the working lives of SAS doctors and to address the discrepancies between SAS terms and conditions across Trusts. We are also calling for reform that will provide a clear route for SAS doctor progression, including a single pay spine between speciality and specialist doctor grades.

Signing up as a SAS pay campaigner takes less than a minute and you’ll receive updates, key actions and training resources in relation to the SAS pay campaign. You'll be joining a network of thousands of doctors fighting for fair pay all across the profession.

The longer our pay and conditions continue to be eroded, the greater the risk of more and more colleagues being driven out of the NHS or into early retirement. And for those who stay, they are left growing increasingly demoralised and at the risk of burnout. The knock-on impact on our colleagues and crucially patients cannot be understated. The Government cannot ignore SAS doctors any longer.

Join us today. We look forward to campaigning with you!

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